Kumamoto Aso

Kumamoto Aso

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book review

Today, I read "Surfer!". The main character is Nick. He is a very good surfer. He likes surfing very much but his parents don't like it. Nick wants to go to Australia before college because there is a surfing competition in there in September. But he hasn't enough money to go. So, his parents object his idea.One day, there is a surfing competition in the UK. If he get a first prize, he can get a thousand pounds. He talk about it with his father and he take part in the competition. He get a first prize and he get a thousand pounds. He asks for his father to go to Australia. His father says, 'OK, Nick. Your Mum and I will give you the money for the plane to Australia. But in October you'll be back here in England for college. Right?'So, Nick can go to Australia.I was impressed with his parent's love for him.

year-end party

Yestarday was very hard and tired day.
I worked at Itarian restaurant from 11:00 to 15:00 and at perfume shop from 15:30 to 22:30.
I couldn't eat lunch because the restaurant was busy.
After my two part time jobs, I went to take part in the year-end party of my club.
It was held at the bar.
I was very hungry, so I ate a lot of food and drank.
Next, we went to eat Chinese noodle.
It was delicious. I was addicted to the noodle.
Though I was full, I could finish to eat it.
I and some friends stayed at our friend's house.
I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. Good night...


☆Merry Christmas☆

I worked at perfume shop regardless of Christmas day.
I was lonely because I don't have boyfriend.
Many couples visited here and they looked so happy.
I was jealous of them. I was sad..
I will spend Christmas time with a boyfriend next year!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!


☆Christmas Eve☆

I spent Christmas Eve with my friends.
To decide today's destination, we went to 'TSUTAYA' and see some magazines.
We decided to go to 'Yuusui Tunnel' and a cafe, ' Aso Komachi Cafe'.
First, we went to Yusui Tunnel. Some Christmas trees decorated in the tunnel. This picture is the one. They were nice.
The water pearl is famous for this tunnel. It is mysterious thing.
Water go up and down and stop. I like it.
Next, we went to Aso Komachi Cafe for lunch.
Most of guests were couples, so we were drifted away from the other guests,
but we didn't care about that. We ate lunch and sweets.
We had a very good Christmas Eve without biyfriend♪



I worked at Itarian restaurant at lunch.
It was not so busy, so I cleaned some windowpanes.
They were dirty, I was depressed.
After my work, I ate board.
Today's menu was hamburger steak.
It was delicious!
Tonight, I will go to eat dinner with my mother.



Today, I worked at Itarian restaurant from 11:00 to 15:00.
It was busy day. I was very tired, but my owner cooked a cutlet for me.
It was delicious and I'm so full.
When I came home, my homework was waiting.
I have to finish my report by December 24.
So, I did it, but I haven't finished yet.
I'll also come to do this tomorrow....


Essay: Aso

I introduce about Aso. The reason I decided to introduce about it was that I like Aso.
Especially, I like Aso in summer. I go to Aso to drive once in a while .

Aso is a city located in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
The city was formed from the merger of the former town of Aso with the municipalities of Ichinomiya and Namino from Aso District.
The city has an estimated population of 30,150 and a density of 91.95 persons per km² . The total area is 376.25 km².

The prominent tourist resort of Aso, the land of the fire and symbol of Kumamoto, is visited annually by more than 18 million people. The world's largest caldera is found in Kumamoto, where people can relax in the spas, challenge themselves at a variety of sports such as paragliding and hot-air ballooning, or enjoy the many other amusements found at this delightful trove of fun and relaxation.

typing 12 : part-time job

I work at the perfume shop. I like working there recentry. I didn’t feel like mgoing to work there before, but I came to work smoothly, so I like work. I have not remembered all perfume names, so I want tokneow them. And I want to recommend a perfume shop customers look for. Foreign customers visit often there, so African woman visit recently. (63)



I forgot my cellular phone at my job's place.
I don't have its key, my partner have it.
I don't know her tellephone number and addres.
I'm sad...I will go to take it as soon as possible I finished my class.


I went to see illumination at 'saishunkan hills top' on Sunday.
We have to go by a car to see them, not walk.
We waited about thirty minutes to go in.
The cars were crowded.
This picture is one of the illumination, which is illumination tunnel.
It was beautiful and I took some pictures.
But this course was short!


part-time job

Today, I worked a part-time job for eight hours,
because I had no class in the third period.
I made a mistake today, I was depressed.
But, my part supported me.


book review

I read 'Newspaper Chase'.
Harry Black is a chief. He takes a famous painting while he breaks a beautiful blue glass. When he comes home, he puts a painting in a newspaper. After that, he goes out home. It is teh newspaper recycling day. Janey Allen who always takes his old newspapers for recycling gathers them and gives them to recycling man. He sees the recycling truck, and he sees Janey. He chases after the truck and finds his important newspaper. Janey finds some blue glass in Harry's shoe when he is finding it in the truck. It's the very expensive piece of glass. Janey thinks Harry is the thief. Janey calls to the police and he is arrested.
I think he is full. Janey is good job.


book review

I read 'Mr Jealous'. This book is also one of teen stories. First story is Mr Jealous. In this story, Cathy, a heroine, is key person. She is enchantress, I think. I feel pity for Rob who is her boyfriend. Second story is Roberto. Sarah, a heroine, meets a boy from Italy, and she falls in love. This is pure love story! Last story is The BULLY. In this story, She wants somethings. Do you think what she wants? Please try to read it!This book also has READING GAME. It is interesting, but you had better try it when you have enough time. It is a little troublesome game, I think.

no part-time job

I had no part time job today, so I did my homework at library.
I finished one homework. I'm happy, but I have some another homework...


Typing 11; free time

Typing 11; free time
In recently, I don't have a free time. I work two part time job , so I want a rest. I work six times a week. So, If I have a free time, I want to talk and have a dinner with my friend. I don’t have a talk much time. And, I want to go to hot spring. I like hot spring recently. So, I want to go there. Especially, I want to go to Kurokawa hot spring. I went there with my friend, we have tickets yet. So, we will go there again someday. Yestereday, I don’t have a part-time job, so I went to 'joyfull' with my friend to talk. I’m happy. But, I ate too much. (123)



I like taking a bath.
Even if I come home lately, I take a bath for an hour.
In the bath, I'm lost in thought, send an email or sleep.
Taking a bath relaxes me.


I have no part-time job this evening, so I went to 'Joyfull'
to talk with my friend.
We talked about complaints of our jobs or something.
We stayed for four hours there.
I had been under a lot of stress, but my friend was heard my complaints
of my job. Thank you!


busy day

I worked at Itarian restaurant from 11 am. to 3 pm.
and at perfume shop from 3:30 pm. to 10:30 pm.
It was busy day.
At perfume shop, because of Christmas day before, many customers visited.
Yesterday's sale was twice better than weekday's sale.
I'm so tired, but I have no part-time job today.
I'm so happy. I'm relaxed at home.
I don't wanna go outside, because it is cold.

book review

I read The Railway Children. This story is classic.
The main characters are three children who live near the railway with their mother. And they are never rich. They meet many people and they make friends with them. Sometimes they are in trouble or get involved in trouble. It seems as if their life is the adventure! After I read, I felt "Their life is wonderful. Happiness is never influenced by money."
An old man appears in the middle of the story, and he is an important person in the story. When you read this book, notice him, too.
The grammar and vocabrallies in this book are not so difficult. However this book has not been borrowed very much yet. If you like, why don't you read it once?



I worked at perfume shop yesterday.
It was very cold, but I raised my voice outside to sell perfumes.
Today, I don't have my job.
I'm very very happy!
I will relax at my house and sleep for long time.


Typing 10.5

In my free time, I will work . In recently, I decided two part-time job. They are Itarian restaurant and perfume shop. This Sunday, I will work at Itarian restaurant at noon. And I will work at perfume shop after that. I work perfume shop five times a week, so I want to work at Itarian restaurant, but I can’t because I have to work at perfume shop. I ‘m very very busy. I have no money now, so I have to work. But, I don’t want to work. I don’t have a free time now. I want a free time. If I have a free time, I want to sleep very long time. Recently I don’t sleep (118)

Week 10 Typing

In my free time, I will work. In recently, I decided to work two part time job. They are Itarian restaurant an d perfume shop. This Sunday, I will work at itarian restaurant at noon. And after that, I will work at perfume shop. I’m svery very busy. I’ m so tired. I want free time. If I have a free time, I will go to new café, Tuno café, that I found recently. It is the restaurant and café. (80)


perfume shop

Yesterday, I worked at perfume shop for the first time.
I was nervous, but partners were kind,
so I was secure.
To deal samples of a perfume and service was my work. I worked for five houres.
I was not so tired because the day was not so busy.
I think maybe it will be busy on weeked.
I don't want to work on weekend.


Tuno Restaurant&Cafe

I want to go to Tuno Cafe.
It opened on October.
The mood is nice and it is particular about vegetables.
Sweets are also good.
I will go there when I earn money!


Yesterday, it was the first day when I worked at Itarian restaurant.
The restaurant's name is Pastis.
Regardless of my first day, I had to work there only chief and me.
First I was nervous, but the day was not so busy.
It was easy for me to work first day.
After working, my chief cooked board for me.
It was pork cutlet. It was delicious.



My friend gave souvenir from Thailand me.
She went to travel in Thailand.
In this picture, left is a soap and right is a candle.
There is a strange man on the label of the soap.
My friend doesn't know him.
She said,"It is funny. I pointed at your laugh."
Thank you!


book review

Give us the money
"Every day is same. Nothing exiting ever happens to me," thought Adam one boring Monday morning. But the day wasn't the same. When he helped a beautiful young woman,Serena, because some men wanted to take her bag. But, it was filming for a movie. At the same time, three men commited robbery on a bank. Adam and one of them bumped together, they changed their bags accidentally. Robbers had a bag in newspaper, and Adam had a bag in money they stole. They pursued after Adam and her. And she thought we could take a good movie. So, she called on her direction. He pursued after them to take a movie with assistants.
It was funny. In fact, it is impossible story!!

good partners

I and my partnes I have worked same part time job before have a party
once a month. Yesterday, it was the day.
We went to 'Tora'.
It is natural dining bar.
There were many offices worker. There were no women as same age as us.
The dishes were expensive for me now, but they were delicious!
We talked about recent occurrence and something.
I like them! We are different character, but we get along with very nicely.
We will have it next month. I'm looking forward to meeting them!


typing 9

Typing 9
Free Time
I like driving. So, I go to anywhere by my mother7s car. I go only me or with my friend. I often go to kumamoto port with my friend for driving. We love Kumamoto port. It is nothing to play. But, I like go there. And, recently I decided two part-time job. So, Iwill be busy in my job. It is perfume shop and Itarian restaurant. I have not worked part-time job so long time, so I am worried about working steadly. I have no money now. So, I have to work hard.(93)



I took an interview for part-time job, perfume shop, the week before last, but I didn't pass it.
So, I will take an interview for another part-time job today. It is Itarian restaurant.
I'm nervous, but I wish I employed at the Itarian restaurant.
If I don't employed there, I can't make a living...



My friend sent this picture to me.
This is funny!!
My friend goes to technical college of rehab,
so often uses this dolls.


I felt like playing softball, so I did yesterday with my friend.
We went to Ninomaru park.
It was sunny day and nice, so there were many people.
We played catch ball and knock fungoes.
It was good exercise for me.
After another friend came, We went to Joyfull.
We talked about memory in our school days.
I enjoyed talking and laughed! I had a good time!


Kurokawa hot spring

I went to Kurokawa hot spring with my friend.
There were many visitors. We had to wait to park our car.
I had thought colored leaves must have been beautiful before I came there,
but they were almost falling from their trees.
Few trees with colored leaves were, they were beautiful.
We soaked in one hot spring. I got smooth skin from the hot spring.
After that, we ate rice cracker which made there, and cream puff.
I was sutisfied! Next time, I want to come here at the season of many beautiful colord leaves.


Lucky Number

I read "Lucky Number". Charlie does not go to school and works for a living for his family all day. His work is to shine shoes at Cafe Colombo. One day, he picks a lottery ticket up. His family is poor, so they wish for lucky number. Next day, it declares for the lottery. A man shouts out the winning number.
But, this book doesn't appear the last number. I am concerned about their lucky number.


Yesterday, I stayed with my friend.
She is good at cooking an omlet containing fried rice.
She cooks it for me every time when I stay there.
It tastes very good! I love it.



I spend free time listening to music, watching TV, sleeping. I like MTV. So, I watch it and listen to music. Now I don’t work a part-time job, so I have a lot of free time. But, I have a lot of home work, so I must do them. Also, I like driving. So, I go to anywhere by my mother’s car. (62)



I went to Joyfull with my friend.
I haven't seen her for long time.
We went there and found another friends.
We will play badminton next time.

To Kill a Mockingbird

I watched the DVD "To Kill a Mockingbird".
It is Academy Award winning film.
It was difficult movie for me.
But, I like it. I was impressed with it.
Atticus is a good father.


72 years old

I went to my grand parents's house yesterday.
I didn't know the day was birthday for my grandfather.
He became 72 years old.
My father gave a present my grandfather.
Happy birthday to grandfather!
And, I was given money from my father!
Sorry...and thank you...


book review

I read THE RANSOME OF RED CHIEF. It was funny story. Bill and Som kidnapped a boy,'Johnny' to get ransom, but he was the unruly boy. Bill was bullied from him. He wanted to bring him back to his house soon. Sam sent the letter to his house to get ransome form his parents.But, they say ,"You bring Johnny home and you give me $200. When Johnny is with me at home, you can escape. They wanted to bring him back to his house, they did. And, they paid $ 200. They were NOT having a nice day.



I went to take an interview for my part-time job.
It is the perfume shop.
To apply to it, it is two times.
I want to work there and earn money!
Please pass me!

hot spring

I went to soak in a hot spring with my friend yesterday.
We went to 'Gokurakuyu'.
The day was cold, but it was comfortable to soak in it.
Though at 11 p.m., there were many people unexpectedly.
It is nice to soak in hot spring in cold day!
I want to soak in hot spring tour.



Yesterday, I went to the resaturant with my friend which I had worked before.
I ate and drank too much, and we talked with owner and other workers.
We enjoyed talking with them. I had a good time!
After that, I went to stay with my friend.
Her house is so far! We were talking about recent occurrence.
Thank you for listening my reminiscence.



I went to watch the dance event with my friend at 'mokkosumo' around midnight.
I like to watch dance and my friend's dance team entered.
Not so many dance teams entered, so we didn't stay long.
After that, we went to see night view with another friends at Mt. Hanaoka.
It was beautiful, but the day was very cold, I felt like going back home.
Next, we went to 'Kinpouzan' aimlessly
We talked there, but it was cold, so we left for half an hour.
I'm tired and sleepy, so I felt asleep as soon as I came back home.



I took secretary certificate examination today.
It was difficult for me...
I found mistake...
But, I wish I would pass the test!!!!!


book review

I read "Blackmail". I thought that this story is very pitiable story. This is story which Dave blackmail Jo. Dave is burglar. His friends are burglar too. Dave and his friends planned to break into rich family's house on saturday evening. Although Dave is Jo's boyfriend, Dave blackmailed Jo into revealing rich family's secret information. It is ununderstandable for me. I think that Dave is the worst boy. I think that Dave is the biggest fool on earth. I got angry with Dave. I felt pity for Jo. I think that Jo should be break off all relations with Dave. I don't know why Jo loves Dave.



Keyshia Cole 'Let It Go' is the song I recommend now.
I knew Keyshia Cole first at this song.
This song is taken part in Missy Elliot.
It is cool.
I will listen to another Keyshia's songs!


I went to Hotel Nikko to have a lunch with my cousin yesterday.
I was thinking I would eat only she and I.
But, we dined with unfamiliar people.
We sat around one table with 8 people.
In the hall, there were about 90 people.
I was upset. Dishes were French. It was good.
After meal, violinist played. I felt sleepy.
I was upset, but It was good experience.



I will have a lunch with my cousin today. She has lunch ticket at Hotel Nikko.
I'm looking forward to having lunch. But, I have caught a cold, I want to sleep..


I like listening to music. Especially, I often listen to American music. Especially, I like R&B and hip-hop. I often watch MTV and get information about new songs. I like black music. It is so cool. Video is also cool. When I went to America, I bought many CDs. In Japan, I bought mix CD in recentry. I recommend J. Holiday 'Bed'. This is the song that I like the best now. It is R&B. Also, I like Kanye West feat. T-pain 'Good Life'. This song is hip-hop. This song is upbeat music. I like T-pain's songs. 'buy you are drunk' is cool. Please listen them!

Week 6 Kumamoto

Week 6
Aso is famous spot in Kumamoto. Aso has a large mountain and volcano. Many visitors come here. In Kusasenri, people can ride a horse. There are many horses. And, there are many cows. People can touch them. They are very close.
Aso has many hot springs. Kurokawa hot springs are famous.
People can stay there. They relax. (60)


no money

I have no money.
I don't work part-time job.
I want money and want to buy many clothes.

On November 3

I went to school festival at KGU.
I sold 'Buta Kimuchi Udon'.
Dance battle was held in the stage and I watched it.
It was grate. I like dance.
After school festival, night festival was held.
We took special prize. After that fireworks displayed.
I enjoyed a lot.


I recommend this sweets. I was taught this bar by my friend.
This bar openes from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m.
Birthday cake you want any shape can be made.
Maybe all cakes are delicious. I have eaten almost cakes.
These are not so sweet.

book review

I read "Kings and Queens of Britain."
I know the Queen Elizabeth second and she is very famous and important. But, I don't know details about her. So, I thought that I want to read the book to know about her.
She was born in 1926. She became Queen in 1952 when she was 25 years old. I understood that why does she famous and important women. Because I think that she is very intimate person. She doesn't tell people what to do, but she visited a lot of place, meets many people and, talks and listen to them. So, people likes her very much! She is loved everyone. She is Queen but she is very wise and kind. So she is very important and famous woman that I think!!!


On November 10, I will take sacretary certificate examination.
I want to pass this examination. But, I don't study hard.
I must study hard, regardless of cold.


I caught a cold yeatrday. I went to school, but I got back home on the way to class.
I don't have a fever, but I have a bad caugh and feel tired.
I wish I got better soon.


I went to hot spring near my house with my mother.
It cost us 1,300 yen to soak in this hot spring with dinner.
There are 8 hot springs. I relaxed very much.
Next we had a dinner. It was delicious.
After that, we gave massage. I had a stiff neck, so I wanted to give a massage.
This massage was not so much comfortable as painful.
I thought I never want to go.

book review

I read "SURVIVE!"
Chris drove a small plane
but suddenly the engine started to make strange noise.
Her plane went down to the ground.
There was deep snow and forest.
She tried to go down the mountain.
She weard a coat and brought sigarette and banana.
She walked near valley and river.
A few days later,
there was a helicopter!
She made a big fire and the helicopter found her.
She was helped and she could rest.

book review

This book's story is very short and looks like a script of play.
I can read very quickly. I like "I'm right!".
Norma and Colin got train. Norma is always right.
They lost two tickets. So she find tickets.
Norma smiles and says "I'm always right!".
But they got on a wrong train.
I think very funy. These are very good short stories.

book review

I read "Sally's phone". Sally has boyfriend. His name is Andrew. They plomise to meet Andrew's new boss in evening. Andrew wants to wear blue skirt to Sally, but this skirt is dirty. She buys new skirt and she goes to coffee shop. There is Paul in this shop. Sally and Paul cange each other phone in slight accident. Firstly, they don't notice to change phone. They can contact each other, they meet. paul is handsome. Paul must go to his sister's party. Sally goes to the party with Paul.
I think this story is strange.The phone is necessary and indispensable for us now.



This picture is my cousin's children. They are so cute!
For the festival day for children aged seven, five and three,
they wear Kimono. They were so tired. Good job!

book review

I read "Odette : A Fairy Tale for Weary People" written by Ronald Ferbank.
This is a fairy tale of a small rich girl named Odette. She was brought up without inconvenience.
One night, she thinks that she wants to meet the holy mother Maria, but she meets a woman lying by the river on the way of that. Odette knows the cruelty of the life and sadness through themeeting of her.
This fairy tale, the person's operation and a surrounding appearance are
being written delicately and beautifully.
I think it is difficult for children to read and understand this fairy tale.


book review

This story is that Scooby and his friend go to Sboky castle, and they have a dangerous happning. A witch and a knight freeze in a castle, and they are attacked. Scooby save his friend this time, too. He is dog, but I think that he is very wise.
Scooby-Doo series are very interesting story!! This book's picture also pretty. I would like you to read this series!!

Happy Birthday

November 3rd is my friend's, Misato, birthday.
I sent an email for her just 12 a.m.
We have known for 1 year and half. I like her.
She gives me heart. I like talking with her.
Happy Birthday Misato!


book review

This book has five stories.
"The Gift of the Magi", "The Art Game", "The Troubadour", "Money Talks" and "Soapy's Winter Home".
Money is a big problem for many people in the stories.
I like "The Gift of the Magi". Jim and Della live small apartment. But they are happy. When Christmas eve Della puts her money on the table. She has $1.87, but she wants to buy a special Christmas gift for jim. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Young have two special things: Della's hair and Jim's gold watch. Della is thinking about her beautiful hair. And she goes into the storeet. The old woman buys hair. Della can buy the gold chain gift for Jim. But Jim dosen't have his watch. They buy watches store near his office. They don't have a lot of money, but they have a lot of love. And they are going to have a happy Christmas because they understand about special gufts.
I think this story is very famous Christmas story. I want to read many Christmas stories.

School Festival

I went to see dance at KTU with my friends.
'Hitoride dekirumo' famous dancer came there.
I have seen his dance at vibe with my friends before.
I have seen it two times, but he is so great.
After we saw it, we had a dinner at joyfull.
I had a very good time!

Helloween Party

On October 31, I was invited to Helloween Party from my friend at 2 a.m.
It was given at Chinese noodle restaurant that my friend’s boyfriend run.
To dress up was requirement, so my friend and I wore uniform we wore in high school days! We were crazy!
We can eat Chinese noodle and drink as much as we like for 500 yen.
They were delicious!! I ate and drunk too much, I was so full.
After that, we went to bowling. My friend scored turkey and 167!! It was amazing!!
I scored 105... We were given prizes. I was given snack pack.
I had a delightful time at Helloween Party.

flea market

I sold my clothes on terrabal flea market with my friends.
I have no money, so brought saleable clothes to earn money.
I even sold T-shirt I bougt this summer and non-used clothes.
I didn't want to sell them cheap, but visitors didn't buy them easily.
Unwillingly, I sold them a bit cheap.
At the end, we sold all clothes for only ¥100 yen.
But they was beating down still. I was surprised!!
I earned about ¥7,000 yen. I was happy.
But, It was hot day. I was exhausted...


I went to watch dance show in the night on October 28th.
I like watcging dance, so my friend invited me and I was happy.
My friend's dance team entered. They were hiphopper.
They were good!! And another team were good, too.
I enjoyed very much.
After this, my friend, friend's friend and I went to watch night view.
It was beautiful!! But, I was so sleepy.


part-time job

After I took Japanese certificate examination,
I worked part-time job at hotel's cafeteria as waitress.
I was temporary staff.
This cafeteria was not so busy, so I thought it was easy.
But, a manager came and I took me out to Japanese restaurant.
He said that I wanted somebody to help this restaurant.
So, I came to work here. This restaurant was busy.
I felt like getting back to cafeteria.
I thought I came here as waitress of cafeteria.
I was very tired.

On October 27th

I took a Japanese certificate examination.
I'm a Japanese, so it dosen't make sense.
But, it is been emphasizing on business.
So, I thought I will take this.
This test was difficult for me.
It was set questions.
For example, honorific, Chinese character and so on.
I wish I passed this test!!


WAI part 1

WAI 2-01: The First Month
Book reviews

Blog posts


Posts w. pics

Posts w. links

last Friday

I had a dinner with my friends. There were 6 people including me. The bar was 'Daruma' in Hakuzan. We drunk and ate foods. They were delicious. Our talking run high.
After that, we went to the game center to take a picture at purikura. I had a good time.

Yesterday's lecture

I took a lecture of secretary corse yeasterday. I learned about felicity and condolence. I have never learned, so this lecure benefited me for future. For example, how to write a special envelope for a monetary gift, what should I wear clothes and gift in case of them and so on.
Also, I learned about party on business. There are cocktail party, buffet party, dinner party. I thought businessmen are busy.

Typing Kumamoto

Week 4
Kumamoto has a castle, ‘Kumamoto-jou’. It is a famous spot in Kumamoto. It has been forty years. Many people visit there. Especially, foreighn people are there. Kumamoto castle can be went up.
Also, Suizenji park is famous place in kumamoto. It is park many visiter come from another places. It is (51)


book review

Gulliver's travels ~A voyage to lilliput~Gulliver's ship is lost in a storm, so he has to swim to save his life. At length he can reach the ground and falls asleep. When he wakes up, he can't get up and can't move because he is tied to the ground. Then a man is walking along his body and is standing on his chest. This is his first meeting in this country. Really, Lilliput is a country where everything is one tenth of its normal size. It's strange world. But he can meet with many people and events and he can live in humor life there. So he goes on another journey from now on.

Today's lecture

Today, I took lecture of secretarial certificate. I learned manner and reception as secretary. for example, honorific, correspondence of call and so on. What I took this lecture was as if I became a secretary. I will pass this test surely because I failed another certification examination. Cheer up!


Have fun

I will go to have a dinner with my friends on Friday. We haven't had a dinner since summer. I'm looking forward to talking and drinking. Let's enjoy!!


On this weekend, I will go to Fukuoka. I will go shopping and see my friends. I like shopping. There are my favorite shops in Fukuoka. I often go to Tenjin. Many people are there, so I feel bad. But, I like shopping, so I walk around with some rests. I will stay with my friend's house. Another my friend lives same apartment, so we go to have a dinner together. I'm looking forward to going. Also, I want to go to Umino Nakamichi. I have never been there. I thought the place is in the sea. This was mistake. But I don't Know what this spot is. Please tell me what the spot is.

Typing Week3

Week 3
I live in Kumamoto for twenty years and never leave here. I like Kumamoto. My favorite foods of Kumamoto is ‘basashi’. It is raw horse. Many people are surprised that we eat this. Some foreign people are angry because they love horse. Many horses are in Aso. So, if I see them, I’m sorry to horses. Also, my favorite food of Kumamoto is Karashi renkon. It is hot. But, I like this. (72)


heavy rain

It rained in buckets today. I haven't seen heavy rain for a long time.
I didn't feel like going out. I hate wet.
I think tomorrow is sunny day. I hope so.


On 6th October, I and my friend went to see the parade in the city.
The parade is held by KGU student every year.
They wore nice cloths they made by themselves and carryed a portable shrine.
They were very tired, but they looked so happy.
We took some pictures with them and talked with.
After that, I met another friends because my friend went to work her part-time job.
I and my friend and two exchange students went to the shopping mall, 'AEON MALL KUMAMOTO CLAIR' by my friend's car.
We ate korean barbecue for dinner. It was yummy.
We walked around there and took a picture by print club.
We enjoyed talking at English.

Cafe feal

Yesterday, I and my friend went to the cafe, feal,
because cafe switch was full.
I like this cafe. I have been here for third times.
There are always many women guest.
I ate an omlet containing fried rice. It was delicious.
We stayed there for long time and talked.
We had a god time.

Cafe Switch

I went to the cafe, Switch, with my friend yesterday. But, the cafe was full. I wanted to go there from befor. The cafe opened recently. It is small cafe and it is said that sandwiches are good. I will go there again surely.

book review

I read 'L.A.Detective'. I think Carmen is kind woman because she gives money for a school that there are poor children. But, it's bad to swindle her father. It was funny story for me.


lecture of secretary examination

I took a lecture of secretary examination yesterday. This was the first time lecture. I learned about color coordinate. It was fun for me. The test will be practiced on 11 October. I'll do my best for the test.


About my experience with blogging this semester

I made my blog for the first time. Gradually updating it has become happy though the start was troublesome. Also, It was happy to link by making it. Hereafter, I want to update the blog neatly.

WEI test



Monthly Totals
April: 19
May: 13
June: 46
July: 6

TOTAL: 6433

Monthly Total
April: 1364
May: 984
June: 3219
July: 866

Number of completed essays: 2


Number of book reviews:
See all book revies


Highest score: 93words
See my typing posts.




My best essay: University
My best book review: The Wispering Rabbit
My best post (excluding the above): Yamakawa

WEI Part 3


1. 2 (4/8~15)
2. 8 (4/15-22)
3. 4 (4/22-29)
4. 9 (4/29-5/6)
5. 2 (5/6-13)
6. 4 (5/13-20)
7. 0 (5/20-27)
8. 0 (5/27-6/3)
9. 15 (6/3-10)
10. 15 (6/10-17)
11. 8 (6/17-24)
12. 8 (6/24-7/1)
13. 0 (7/1-8)
14. 6 (7/8-15)



Labels: YES
Friend's blog: YES
Kumamoto links: YES
Other links: YES
Library Thing: YES




Labels: YES
Friend's blog: YES
Kumamoto links: YES
Other links: YES
Library Thing: YES


There are four faculties in Kumamoto Gakuen University such as Faculty of Language, and Economic Commercial Social Welfare. There are two departments in Faculty of Language. English and East Asia are. I’m a student in Deapartment of English. We learn about English, Cculture of England and America and so on. Faculty of to Foreign Languages has two departments. There are three departments in Faculty of Economics. Department of Economics, International Economics and Legal Economics are.Department of Economics is based on information(83words)



Kumamoto Gakuen University

Faculty of to Foreign Languages has two departments.There are Department of English and East Asian Studies.In Department of English, they lern English and in East Asian Studies, they lern Chinese and Korian.Not only languages, but also they lern politics, economics, society, culture and history against the background of the languages.

There are three departments in Faculty of Social Welfare.There are Department of Social Welfare, Welfare Environment and Welfare of Child and Family.They lern about social work and care work in Depaetment of Social Welfare.In Department of Environment, they can lern about life, human lights and environment synthetically.Department of Welfare of Child and Family is the department that they consider welfare to protect wellbeing of children, parents and home.

There are three departments in Faculty of Commerce.There are Department of Commerce, Management and Hospitality Management.Department of Hospitality Management was established in 2005.It is the first department in Japan that encourage the talent with service mind besides knowledge and technique of commerce.In Department of Commerce, they learn about wide field on commerce business, such as marketing, distribuion and finance.In Department of Management, they learn about business form basis to application.This department makes a point of prctical training such as computer and bookkeeping.

There are three departments in Faculty of Economics.Department of Economics, International Economics and Legal Economics are.Department of Economics is based on information education using information technology, beginning with basic fundamentals and progressing to unique applications of information technology to real world problems.Department of International Economics aims to provide the skills not only to understand economics but also to analyze economies, as well as providing practical language and an understanding of information technology, with the goal being the ability to comprehend the world economy.Department of Legal Economics was established in 2006.

There are Graduate School of Commerce, Management Economics, Area-Based and Social Welfare in Graduate School.Graduate school is based on four departments.It is the organization with a master's course and doctoral late course in five research courses,such as Commerce Course, Management Course, Economic Course, International Culture Course and Social Welfare Course.



Monthly Totals
April: 19
May: 13
June: 46
July: 6

TOTAL: 6433

Monthly Total
April: 1364
May: 984
June: 3219
July: 866

Number of completed essays: 2


Number of book reviews:
See all book revies


Highest score: 93words
See my typing posts.




My best essay: University
My best book review: The Wispering Rabbit
My best post (excluding the above): Yamakawa



There are many university in Kumamoto. For example, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto Gakuen University, Shoukei Gakuen University and so on. I’m a Kumamoto Gakuen University student. I like it. Because it is large and beautiful place. I like bakery. I often 0talk with my friends there. I majour in English. I like English, so I decided to majour it. We can go abroad in the class. We can select U.K or U.S. I will go to America. (76 words)

WEI Part 3


1. 2 (4/8~15)
2. 8 (4/15-22)
3. 4 (4/22-29)
4. 9 (4/29-5/6)
5. 2 (5/6-13)
6. 4 (5/13-20)
7. 0 (5/20-27)
8. 0 (5/27-6/3)
9. 15 (6/3-10)
10. 15 (6/10-17)
11. 8 (6/17-24)
12. 8 (6/24-7/1)
13. 0 (7/1-8)
14. 6 (7/8-15)


I’m a student in Kumamoto Gakuen University. I majour in English. There are Department of English and East Asian Studies in Faculty of Foreign language. We learn about not only languages, but also we learn politics, economics, society, culture and history against the background of the languages. Also, we can go abroad in class. We can select United Kingdom or America which you like. We can take a unit, too. I will go to America for this summer.


Kumamoto Gakuen University 5

There are Graduate School of Commerce, Management Economics, Area-Based and Social Welfare in Graduate School.
Graduate school is based on four departments.
It is the organization with a master's course and doctoral late course in five research courses,
such as Commerce Course, Management Course, Economic Course, International Culture Course and Social Welfare Course.

Kumamoto Gakuen University 4

There are three departments in Faculty of Economics.
Department of Economics, International Economics and Legal Economics are.
Department of Economics is based on information education using information technology, beginning with basic fundamentals and progressing to unique applications of information technology to real world problems.
Department of International Economics aims to provide the skills not only to understand economics but also to analyze economies, as well as providing practical language and an understanding of information technology, with the goal being the ability to comprehend the world economy.
Department of Legal Economics was established in 2006.

Kumamoto Gakuen University 3

There are three departments in Faculty of Commerce.
There are Department of Commerce, Management and Hospitality Management.
Department of Hospitality Management was established in 2005.
It is the first department in Japan that encourage the talent with service mind besides knowledge and technique of commerce.
In Department of Commerce, they learn about wide field on commerce business, such as marketing, distribuion and finance.
In Department of Management, they learn about business form basis to application.
This department makes a point of prctical training such as computer and bookkeeping.


I went to have a dinner to Hitoyoshi with my parents.
There is their favorite Japanese food retaurant in Hitoyoshi.
The dishes were so delicious!! Main food was flesh fish.
The cook was kind and customers, too.

host family

I'll stay with a family this summer in America, Minnesota.
I sent an email to my host family, and I got their reply.
They have two daughters. One of the daughter is 20 years.
We are same age. I wish we were good friends.
And I was surprised they have four cats! I'm happy because I love cats.
There was the picture of host parents. They look kind.
I'm looking forward to seeing them!!


Recently, it have rained intermittent.
Everyday is damp weather...
I don't like these days. But, I don't like hot day, too.


I developed pitures yesterday. These are maybe last pictures.
They were funny. I thought my friends became adult and beautiful!!
I love photo.

Blue Fins

One day, Jen dives under the water. she sees a dolphin in a net .
She pulls the net from the dolphin.
Next day, Jen and her boyfriend, Rick, swim.
Suddenly, the shark is swimming a long way from the beach.
The sahrk comes towards Rick.
Then, the dolphin she helped came.
The dolphin hits the shark again and again.
The shark swims away. The dolphin helped! Rick and Jen are safe.
Jen and the dolphin are so kind!


The Lost Ship

The Captain and his men are looking at the atrange ship.
'Hello. Is there anybody there? Can you hear me?'
But there is no answer.
The Captain and two men row across to it.
There is nobody on the ship.
The ship's log book and a photograph are on the table in the ship's cabin.
The log was written by him, and the photograph is himself.
The Captain see nobody on the ship. He was alone.

I didn't understand the history too much.
Did he die or not??
But, this bok was interesting for me.


I went to study at library in KGU with my friend.
I have to study a lot. Homework, study of qualification and TOEIC, and so on...
It is hard!!


I go to Kumamoto Gakuen University.


I went to Kumamoto port with my friend to shoot fireworks.
I haven't shot them in this season. It was fun!!
I'll go to firework in this summer.


I had a dinner with my friends on Thursday. We went to the Toranasuke.
We ordered a course. It was half price only ladies.
They served some vegetable meals fried chicken, stakes and simmered pork!!
The most surprising thing was they served foie gras!!
But, I don’t like it too much....
I was satisfied with the course. I was so full.


Kumamoto Gakuen University 2

There are three departments in Faculty of Social Welfare.
There are Department of Social Welfare, Welfare Environment and Welfare of Child and Family.
They lern about social work and care work in Depaetment of Social Welfare.
In Department of Environment, they can lern about life, human lights and environment synthetically.
Department of Welfare of Child and Family is the department that they consider welfare to protect wellbeing of children, parents and home.


Kumamoto Gakuen University 1

Faculty of to Foreign Languages has two departments.
There are Department of English and East Asian Studies.
In Department of English, they lern English and in East Asian Studies, they lern Chinese and Korian.
Not only languages, but also they lern politics, economics, society, culture and history against the background of the languages.


There are many spcial products in Kumamoto.

First of all, the name of Kumamoto is associated with "Basashi".
Basashi is a horse. We eat sliced a horse raw.
It is low calorie, high protein and healty foods.
I think that maybe foreign people are surprised. But it is delicious.

Second,"Karashirennkonn" is the one packing the mustard miso into
the lotus root of the special product, coating, and deep-frying.
It is hot because of the mustard. But it goes well when you drink.

Third,"Ikinaridanngo" is a dumping.
The dumping contains bean paste and sweet potato without crushing.
If you eat it, you are full.

Forth, "Jinndaiko" is the sweets. Stated quite simply, it is sweet been jelly with rice cake.
It can eat the summer time more delicious by cooling with the refrigerator and eating. But, you can eat best before about 60 days.

Finally, "Pickled takana" is famous.
There is a type that carves pickles of takana and fries in oil,
and dresses it with sesame in addition.
It finds it useful to the topping of all the meal things, rice, and noodle.


The Pianist

I watched the DVD 'The Pianist'. It is famous movie, but I haven't watch it.
The movie was so cruel. Jew were killed horribly.
The main charater is Władysław Szpilman. He was existent.
This film is an adaptation of his novel.


I went to the grandparents's house with my father. There is the house in Tamana. It took about an hours from my house.
We had a dinner there. We ate sushi!!
My grandmother gave me allwance after we went home.
Thank you grandma.


My friend stayed at my house. I had a dinner at the restaurant near my house.
We ate an omlet containing fried rice. After dinner, we ate parfait. It was dericious.
We went home, we talked for a long time.
We went to bed at 3 am. I had a good time.


I went to have a dinner with my friend in my high school days.
The restaurant we went is OSTERIA MORRICONE.
We ate pasta. It was delicious!!
I was heared about my recent stories.
She is my adviser. I had a very good time.


I baked a cheesecake after dinner.
I became to eat it, so I did.
To bake it is easy. It was dericious.


I went to karaoke with my friend. I'm not good at singing,
butIt was fun for me. I'll go again♪


Jake arrives at London. It is first time away from Manchester.
He comes to go to the Notting Hill Carnival and see some interesting places.
He loves tall beautiful girl at the carnival.
He steals a camera from a tourist to take her photo.
But he is caught at the police. He goes to the police office and there are the girl he loved.
She is policewoman!!
I was surprised at a result.

Tales Of Childhood

In Boy, Roald Dahl recounts his days as a child growing up in England. From his years as a prankster at boarding school to his envious position as a chocolate tester for Cadbury's, Roald Dahl's boyhood was as full of excitement and the unexpected as are his world-famous, best-selling books. Packed with anecdotes— some funny, some painful, all interesting— this is a book that's sure to please.

Mike's Lucky Day

Mike is an assistant van driver. He meets Jenifer in her father's shop and he likes her very much. Jennifer is going to go to the cinema with him.
But he is very late, and Jennifer is very angry.


Joanna Jimbuku is a nurse in north Australia, where she works with a Flying Doctor.
One day a baby is so ill that Joanna has to take her to hospital in Sydney.

The Magic Barber

Every body in Crossways wears a large hat. But they don't like the hat.
One day, a small boy appears with a barber.
They put off their hats and are cut their hair.
The small boy collect their hats while barber cuts various hair.
They pay the small boy one dollar.
Next day, they have no hair!!Then, the small boy appears.
He sells them a large hat for two dollars which they had worn before.
This book was interesting. The small boy is clever and tactful.

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin is the world's number one singer.
People love his songs and TV shows.
Ricky is famous in every countly but he isn't going to stop now.
One of the songs, Livin' la Vida Loca, was number one in the U.S.
Hiromi Go covered the song.

girls hip-hop

I went to a dance stidio with my friend on last wednesday.
The dance we took the lesson was girls hip-hop.
I haven't taken it before. So, I was nervous.
But, I enjoyed it, though I was not good at dancing.
I'll go next time.

softball game

I went to watch the softball game with my friend. Because her friend entered the game.
We belonged to the softball club when we were junior high school student.
I had a good time. I became to play softball!!


Sightseeings spot I recommend

Sightseeing spot I recommend is Kurokawa hot springs. There is in Aso. I have been there twice, I like there. Recently, it is more popular spot in Japan. Many hot springs are there. We can soak three hot springs which we like for 1200 yen. Also, I like shops in Kurokawa hot springs area. I love ceam puff


special products in Kumamoto 5

"Pickled takana" is famous, too.

There is a type that carves pickles of takana and fries in oil,

and dresses it with sesame in addition.

It finds it useful to the topping of all the meal things, rice, and noodle.

special products in Kumamoto 4

"Jinndaiko" is the sweets. Stated quite simply, it is sweet been jelly
with rice cake. It can eat the summer time more delicious by cooling with the refrigerator and eating.

special products in Kumamo 3

"Ikinaridanngo" is a dumping.

The dumping contains bean paste and sweet potato without crushing.

As I'm full, I eat one Ikinaridanngo.


I went to Kanagawa to see my boy friend on June 2, 3. We would meet at the Yokohama station at 8 pm, so I went shopping untill 8 pm. I looked round the fashion bill. There were many people. I went shopping some cloths, and I was very tired.
A few hours left over untill the time we meet, so I sat at Starbacks.
At 8 pm, I met him. I was happy!! I went to his home. He cooked dinner for me. It was delicious. We talked a longt time.
Next day, We wake up at 12 pm, and he cooked lunch.
And I took a plane at 4 pm because he had business.
I had a good time, but I was sad↓↓

My hobby

My hobby is to listen to music and go shopping.
I especially listen to weatern music. I like Ne-Yo and DMX.
And I often go shopping, I want short pants now.

Thank you☆

This is a perfume for my birthday present from my friend. The bottle is so cute. The smell is fruity and good. I like it very much!!!! Thanks a lot.

That's great!!

This is Hitoridedekirumonn who is a dancer.
He came to dance at the event in Kumamoto, so I went to see him with my friends.
His dance style is Poppin and he always puts on mask.
The event was so interesting. His dance was very great!!!


One of my friend is Yumi in my high school days. We were same class for three years. She is funny. Now, she is in Fukuoka. I want to see and talk to her.


special products in Kumamoto 2

"Karashirennkonn" is the one packing the mustard miso into

the lotus root of the special product, coating, and deep-frying.

It is hot because of the mustard.
But it goes well when you drink.

special products in Kumamoto 1

The name of Kumamoto is associated with "Basashi".
Basashi is a horse.
We eat sliced horse raw.
I think that maybe foreign people are surprised.
But it is delicious.


I played ping-pong with my friends at my class today. Rallies went on.
I'm not good at playing it, but I had a good time.
Recently, I don't exercise, so ping-pong was good exercise for me.

I feel tired...

Recently, I have stiff shoulders. The cause is unknown. I want to give a massage. I feel my age.. I look like a grandmother.


book review

I read the book, "The Devil Wears Prada".
Andrea Sachs gets a job working as a personal assistant to a powerful fasion magazine editor that turns increasingly hellish as she struggles to keep up with her boss's capricious and demeaning requests.
She gradually succeeds. But, she quarrels with her boyfriend. After she becomes to be compelled to choose between job and boyfriend.
It was interesting for me to read it. I thought working woman is hard.


I take the course about tourist industry. It is the national qualification.
It is hard for me. But, I try to study hard to take the qualification.

last part-time job

I worked part-time on May 28th. It was the last part-time job.
I worked at Yamakawa which is the bar for about five months.
That day was so hard, I was tired. But, a cook cooked dinner for me.
It was steak and mashed potates with rice. The beaf was the most expensive in Yamakawa. It was delicious with just enough fat.



I went to play boring with my friends. There are many people there.
I'm not goot at playng boring, so my score wasn't good.
But, I had a good time. I will go again soon.



My favorite book is KOIZORA. It is love story of one girl. I don’t read books too much, but I can read it smoothly. When I read this book, I cried again and again. Please read this book. I recommend you. The main character is a girl, Mika. She especially isn’t cute, small and normal. Mika loves a boy. Against he is tall, cool popular with ladies. I don’t remember his name…They love each other but various thing happenrn to them. They have broken up. Mika loves another boy. But she cant forget (93words)


I watched the TV. It is a dance program.
I learned dance a little before.
I became to take dance lessons again as I watched it.

What happened!?

Yesterday, I was walking to go back home after my part-time job.
Then, my cellphone rang. It was from my friend. I answered.
She talked as she cried!! I was surprised!!
She said to me, "Can I go to Yuka's home from now?".
I said, "OK." I didn't hear what happened to her then.
So, I decided to hear her story after I met her.
As I reached at my home, she was there.
I heared what happened to her.
She said,"I missed my boyfriend, so I was crying."
She had met him untill an hour ago. He went back to dormitory of the Self-Defense Forces.
So, She was crying because he went back there in spite of they'll meet after two weeks .
I thought she broke up with him and she was crying. I was surprised, but I relieved.
I thought she was so cute.



For the first time, I cooked Nikujaga yestarday. As I read the cooking book, I did.
There was no carrots in the refrigerator, so I put onion, potato, beaf, grean peas.
It was delicious.



I work part-time at the dining restaurant, Yamakawa for about four months. There is in Namikizaka.
In appearance, It seems the cafe.
The dishes of Yamakawa is its original Japanese food. They are reasonable priced.
Please come to Yamakawa!!



This is an apple pye at Rinngonoki in Minamioguni.

1 hall is about 1,000 yen.

There is in Shimotouri, too. I have been there,

but haven't been there in Minamioguni.

I don't like an apple pye so much, but I like this one.

There were some bakeries, too.

Also, they were delicious. Croissant with maple syrup especialley was good!!

Cafe Da-n

Cafe, Da-n, is the cafe we can see Mt. Tawara from the large glassed window.

I went there, but then it was rainy day...

I ordered cake set. I wanted to eat an omlet containing fried rice

(omlet rice) there,

but I ate lunch at thedifferent place, so I ordered cake set.

It was delicious. I'm going to eat omlet rice next time♪

Caramel Pudding

Caramel Pudding opened this Feburuary in Minamiaso. Main menu is pudding. And, roll cakes used local strawberreis and eggs and so on are popular.
There were a lots of gests. Some sweats were sold out.
I ate caramel pudding. It was so sweet, smoothly and creamy!!!!


This picture is the restaurant, morinokanokominnka garden restaurant. This place is in Minamioguni-machi.
There is a rock shed with fireplace and open terrace surrounded by the grove.
Main menu is vegetarian plate, soup, seasonal vegetables, blead and vegetable croquette.
I ate it. It was so healthy. I wanted a little foods. But, the location is very good!! I was relaxed.
I want to stay for a long time next time!!


The Whispering Rabbit

Once there was a sleepy little rabbit who began to yawn.
And He yawned and he yawned and he yawned....
Then he yawned until suddenly a bee flew into his mouth and he swallowed the bee.
He asked some animals how to put out the bee.
But, the bee didn't. He think of the idea.
He went to apple trees in full bloom on a mountaintop.
Then the bee put out his mouth.
This rabbit is cute. This book is funny.


I went to the bar, Hakata Ichibanndori, with my friends on last Friday. It was so fun!!!

My wallet

I have lost my wallet recently!!! I was in low spirit↓↓ There was about ten thousand yen.


Joyfull & Kumamoto Port

I went to the restaurant, Joyfull, with my friend. I ate dinner and talked.
Then, we went to the Port of Kumamoto for a drive. The wind was blowing hard.
We walked around the sea. But, it was cold, so we went back the car soon.
Already, a instrument band of grand festival in Fujisaki Hachimanngu practiced there. We were excited because we entered it.
I want to enter it again this year.

Kim's Choise

I read this book.
Kim is a main charactor in the story.
She can run fast at her school. So, her teacher advices to go Athletics club with her father. Then, she goes there every week, and runs at the compettion many time. And, she got some trophies. But, she come to only think about exams and her friends because she has important exams and wantssome time withher friends too. Also, she cares about a boy. Her father is angry and he wants her to more run again.
I understood both her and his feeling.


self- introduction

My name is Yuka . I’m 19 years old. I’m going to be 20 years old.
I’m a sophomore at Kumamoto Gakuen University. I major in English.
The reason I majored English is that I like English and American. Because English is common language, so I think it is good to contact foreign country.
And, American are cheerful and friendly. I’m to be happy with American. (66 words)


Julia Roberts

I have known Julia Roberts. I knew her name in Pretty Woman. I was interested in it and I was moved by it.
She is beautiful and I remember her smile.
But, there were the various stories behind this smile. The stories were that her parents got a divorce, she parted from her boyfriend many times and she had the blanks.
However her smile brightens. I think she is a superstar☆



I worked part-time at tutuanna of the Diamond City Value in Ogawa city on Sunday. I was sent there on Goodwill. Tutuanna is the shop that there are socks, roomwear, underwear, accessories and so on.
My work was to tidy up goods.
Many guests came there, but I had nothing to do because I just tidied goods.
After my rest, I was gave work from manager.
It was to cut a lots of paper printed prices. Then, I continued that.
I finished at 9:30 p.m, I was very tired the day as I was dull.
But, because of an hourly wage of ¥1000, I want to work there again!!


I had a dinner with my friend on Friday. The restaurant is YOKOMESHI.
We can eat and drink as much as we like for 3000 yen at the restaurant.
We ordered drinks first and then ordered dishes.
We were so full because we ordered many dishes.
Finally, we ordered sweets!! I felt I was going to throw up.
But, taste was good. Let's go again!!


☆Happy Birthday☆

I made a cheesecake for Karin today. 22th is her birthday. So, I made it for her.
I worried whether I made it well, but I could. I wish she were happy.
She will be 20 years old. Also, I will be too.
I think I'm happy and sad. Because I feel I grow up and I can drink, but get old.



Today was so cold. It rained and the window was blowing, but I went to school in scanty clothing.
In Aso, the snow lay about 28 centimeters deep. However, tomorrow will clear up.
I studied English at home after I came back home.
Almost Compulsory class is spoken in English from the second grade, so I need to study it. I can hear English word substantially, but I can't understand what a teacher said occasionally.
So, I decided to study English every day!!

DVD I watched

I wached the movie on DVD at friend's house recently.
The movie was Pirates of the Caribbean. We had watched episode 1, but we hadn't watched episode 2. Episode 1 was fun, so I was loogking forward to watch episode 2.
Jonney Depp was main character, he was so cool. He played the part of the pirate.
It was fun. I want to see episode 3.

good night

I'm going to go to bed. I must wake up at 6:30 a.m to go to school. I'm sleepy. Good night.


I have put on weight recently. Maybe I eat too much and I don't exercise. So, I decided to be on a diet from today to wear pretty clothes. I will try to lose 3 kilogram. I will eat less and exercise. Do my best!!

Golden Week

I'm planning to go toTokyo to meet my friend in Golden Week. But, it takes a lot of money to go there and we have few vacant seats. I'm worried wheter I go there or not. I must decide early to get a seat. If I go there. I want to go to TDL!!


Piso Lieno

I went to Piso Lieno with my friend. Piso Lieno is Itarian restaurant near my house. We went there at 6p.m, so there were not many customers. We ordered pizza and pasta. We were full. We talked three houres. It was fun.


dinner with my friend

I had a dinner with my friends at the bar where we haven't gone. I think that the bar may be built a few months ago. We didn'nt drink, we ordered only dishes. Despite the cheap of dishes, they were delicios. I was full. I want to go there again.



I woke up at 6:30 am.


part-time 2

I worked part-time at lingerie shop of Hanshinn. My job was to show lingerie. That job wasn't so hard, but I was tired because I did same work all the time. I don't work, but I must earn. I want to buy some clothes!!


To Fukuoka

I went to Fukuoka to go shopping and stay at my friend's house recentry. I bought some clothes at Tennjinn. It was fun. I wish I could go to Fukuoka once a month.


I worked part-time today. I ate dinner after my job. It was delicious.
