Kumamoto Aso

Kumamoto Aso

From: yukap0601, 17 seconds ago

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book review

I read 'Newspaper Chase'.
Harry Black is a chief. He takes a famous painting while he breaks a beautiful blue glass. When he comes home, he puts a painting in a newspaper. After that, he goes out home. It is teh newspaper recycling day. Janey Allen who always takes his old newspapers for recycling gathers them and gives them to recycling man. He sees the recycling truck, and he sees Janey. He chases after the truck and finds his important newspaper. Janey finds some blue glass in Harry's shoe when he is finding it in the truck. It's the very expensive piece of glass. Janey thinks Harry is the thief. Janey calls to the police and he is arrested.
I think he is full. Janey is good job.

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