Kumamoto Aso

Kumamoto Aso

From: yukap0601, 17 seconds ago

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book review

This book has five stories.
"The Gift of the Magi", "The Art Game", "The Troubadour", "Money Talks" and "Soapy's Winter Home".
Money is a big problem for many people in the stories.
I like "The Gift of the Magi". Jim and Della live small apartment. But they are happy. When Christmas eve Della puts her money on the table. She has $1.87, but she wants to buy a special Christmas gift for jim. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Young have two special things: Della's hair and Jim's gold watch. Della is thinking about her beautiful hair. And she goes into the storeet. The old woman buys hair. Della can buy the gold chain gift for Jim. But Jim dosen't have his watch. They buy watches store near his office. They don't have a lot of money, but they have a lot of love. And they are going to have a happy Christmas because they understand about special gufts.
I think this story is very famous Christmas story. I want to read many Christmas stories.

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