Kumamoto Aso

Kumamoto Aso

From: yukap0601, 17 seconds ago

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part-time job

After I took Japanese certificate examination,
I worked part-time job at hotel's cafeteria as waitress.
I was temporary staff.
This cafeteria was not so busy, so I thought it was easy.
But, a manager came and I took me out to Japanese restaurant.
He said that I wanted somebody to help this restaurant.
So, I came to work here. This restaurant was busy.
I felt like getting back to cafeteria.
I thought I came here as waitress of cafeteria.
I was very tired.

On October 27th

I took a Japanese certificate examination.
I'm a Japanese, so it dosen't make sense.
But, it is been emphasizing on business.
So, I thought I will take this.
This test was difficult for me.
It was set questions.
For example, honorific, Chinese character and so on.
I wish I passed this test!!


WAI part 1

WAI 2-01: The First Month
Book reviews

Blog posts


Posts w. pics

Posts w. links

last Friday

I had a dinner with my friends. There were 6 people including me. The bar was 'Daruma' in Hakuzan. We drunk and ate foods. They were delicious. Our talking run high.
After that, we went to the game center to take a picture at purikura. I had a good time.

Yesterday's lecture

I took a lecture of secretary corse yeasterday. I learned about felicity and condolence. I have never learned, so this lecure benefited me for future. For example, how to write a special envelope for a monetary gift, what should I wear clothes and gift in case of them and so on.
Also, I learned about party on business. There are cocktail party, buffet party, dinner party. I thought businessmen are busy.

Typing Kumamoto

Week 4
Kumamoto has a castle, ‘Kumamoto-jou’. It is a famous spot in Kumamoto. It has been forty years. Many people visit there. Especially, foreighn people are there. Kumamoto castle can be went up.
Also, Suizenji park is famous place in kumamoto. It is park many visiter come from another places. It is (51)


book review

Gulliver's travels ~A voyage to lilliput~Gulliver's ship is lost in a storm, so he has to swim to save his life. At length he can reach the ground and falls asleep. When he wakes up, he can't get up and can't move because he is tied to the ground. Then a man is walking along his body and is standing on his chest. This is his first meeting in this country. Really, Lilliput is a country where everything is one tenth of its normal size. It's strange world. But he can meet with many people and events and he can live in humor life there. So he goes on another journey from now on.

Today's lecture

Today, I took lecture of secretarial certificate. I learned manner and reception as secretary. for example, honorific, correspondence of call and so on. What I took this lecture was as if I became a secretary. I will pass this test surely because I failed another certification examination. Cheer up!


Have fun

I will go to have a dinner with my friends on Friday. We haven't had a dinner since summer. I'm looking forward to talking and drinking. Let's enjoy!!


On this weekend, I will go to Fukuoka. I will go shopping and see my friends. I like shopping. There are my favorite shops in Fukuoka. I often go to Tenjin. Many people are there, so I feel bad. But, I like shopping, so I walk around with some rests. I will stay with my friend's house. Another my friend lives same apartment, so we go to have a dinner together. I'm looking forward to going. Also, I want to go to Umino Nakamichi. I have never been there. I thought the place is in the sea. This was mistake. But I don't Know what this spot is. Please tell me what the spot is.

Typing Week3

Week 3
I live in Kumamoto for twenty years and never leave here. I like Kumamoto. My favorite foods of Kumamoto is ‘basashi’. It is raw horse. Many people are surprised that we eat this. Some foreign people are angry because they love horse. Many horses are in Aso. So, if I see them, I’m sorry to horses. Also, my favorite food of Kumamoto is Karashi renkon. It is hot. But, I like this. (72)


heavy rain

It rained in buckets today. I haven't seen heavy rain for a long time.
I didn't feel like going out. I hate wet.
I think tomorrow is sunny day. I hope so.


On 6th October, I and my friend went to see the parade in the city.
The parade is held by KGU student every year.
They wore nice cloths they made by themselves and carryed a portable shrine.
They were very tired, but they looked so happy.
We took some pictures with them and talked with.
After that, I met another friends because my friend went to work her part-time job.
I and my friend and two exchange students went to the shopping mall, 'AEON MALL KUMAMOTO CLAIR' by my friend's car.
We ate korean barbecue for dinner. It was yummy.
We walked around there and took a picture by print club.
We enjoyed talking at English.

Cafe feal

Yesterday, I and my friend went to the cafe, feal,
because cafe switch was full.
I like this cafe. I have been here for third times.
There are always many women guest.
I ate an omlet containing fried rice. It was delicious.
We stayed there for long time and talked.
We had a god time.

Cafe Switch

I went to the cafe, Switch, with my friend yesterday. But, the cafe was full. I wanted to go there from befor. The cafe opened recently. It is small cafe and it is said that sandwiches are good. I will go there again surely.

book review

I read 'L.A.Detective'. I think Carmen is kind woman because she gives money for a school that there are poor children. But, it's bad to swindle her father. It was funny story for me.


lecture of secretary examination

I took a lecture of secretary examination yesterday. This was the first time lecture. I learned about color coordinate. It was fun for me. The test will be practiced on 11 October. I'll do my best for the test.